Report illegal dumping

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Use this form to report illegal waste disposal - this means deliberately dumping, tipping or burying waste on private or public land that’s not licensed to accept it. It’s against the law to illegally dispose of waste.

Council officers are authorised under the Environment Protection Act (1970) to investigate illegally dumped rubbish. You can report the issue here online or contact Council by phone on 078958188. Your call can be treated confidentially.

If an issue requires an urgent response, please call us on 078958188.


The information is held and used in accordance with the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 and the Privacy Act 2020. Any member of the public may, under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987, request access to information held by the Council. The Privacy Act 2020 applies to the Council and under that Act, you have the right to see and correct personal information that the Council holds about you.


  • The information you provide is true and correct to the best of your knowledge.

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